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Reflective Essay

The pieces in this website all link to the theme courage. The poems talk about courage and what it means to the authors. The song is a way to express what courage is to eminem. The prose pices are stories that will inspire you to have courage. Everyone has there own meaning of what courage is, and they express courage in different ways.

The poem about the farmer, goose and chicks truly demonstrate the saying "there is something worth dieing for". The farmer was hungry and ended up slaughtering the goose. The goose sacrificed herself so that her baby chicks can live another day. The farmer feels guilt and remorse for doing what he did. He makes a vow to never slay an animal no matter how hungry he was.

The second poem is a man who wants to exercise his freedom of speech. The poem is meant to be a prayer asking for guidance to spread the word of god. This poem actually means to speak up and use your voice to talk about what you believe in. Everyone has a voice in this world, so use it to speak up for your belief. Have confidence when you talk and have the courage to shout.

Prose pieces on this website is a story called "Call it Courage" and a article about a teenager in the military. Call it courage is a novel by Armstrong Sperry. This story will inspire you to have courage and confidence. The article is about a women in the military who saved her seargent's life. This article shows that you can display courage in a real life situation.

There are many different forms of courage. You can have the courage to speak up for what you believe in. You can control the evil inside you and choose to be clean. You can have bravery in the line of duty and protect the ones you love. What's your definition of courage? everyone has courage even th

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